To prevent the boom of the pump truck from breaking, what is said here is the most clear

Commercial-app1If the pump truck is in operation for a long time and lack of adequate maintenance, it is easy to cause fatigue of the boom. In the light of the case, the boom may crack, and in the worst case, it may break and hurt the construction workers. Therefore, understanding the cause of the fracture of the boom is a crucial step for maintaining the boom.
Fracture characteristics and specific positions of concrete pump truck boom

Observing the fracture characteristics of the boom of the concrete pump truck, the side ears at the hinge points of the two boom tails are completely broken, and most of the fracture marks are shown as old cracks (the end of each boom and the head of the previous boom) ; Arm section head: the connecting end of each section arm and the next section of the arm tail.

The other side of the ear plate at the tail of the second-section arm is completely twisted, and the large-bending link, the small-bending link and the partial squeezing and deformation of the ear plate at the head of the first-section arm caused by the fracture of the rear ear plate of the two-section arm. Except for the partial deformation of the head of the first arm, the rest are new cracks, which are caused by the fracture of the ear plate at the tail of the second arm.

Due to the fracture characteristics of the boom of the concrete pump truck (fracture of the ear plate at the root of the second boom), it is difficult to visually find the defects that need to be measured, such as the deformation of the boom and the damage of the oil cylinder and the connecting rod.

Post time: Sep-25-2020